What a 71-Year-Old Does When She Hears THIS Classic Rock Song—LOL

Try to imagine you’re 70 years old. How do you see yourself? Many people assume that getting older means not having the energy to do anything and just sitting around waiting for time to pass. That’s so depressing. I have no way of knowing what the future has in store, but man I wish I will be as cool as the woman in the video below if I get to be her age. Even though she is 71-years-old, she proves she’s still young at heart, which is what matters most, anyway. The way she reacts when a classic rock song comes on the radio is just priceless!

Dear Ones,Do you also lust for the "good ole' rock and roll" of times past? This morning, with my BFF Tammy, as we drove back from an an appointment in Marshall, that song came on and drove me into a frenzy of remembrance of my youth. Please enjoy it, as we barreled down the road with the music turned up as loud as it would go! Have a grand day and know in the next four days, I am heading out on the road to appear at schools and chase the illusive dream of Rock in Roll! PP

Posted by Patricia Polacco on Tuesday, September 1, 2015

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