Adorable 8-month-old baby girl rocks out with dad playing Bon Jovi

As a parent, one of the best things you can experience is discovering that you have some passions in common with your children. Sharing some of the same hobbies is a great way to bound, especially if it involves music!


But I’m pretty sure the dad in the adorable video below didn’t expect that moment to come so early on in his relationship with his daughter. You see, his daughter is still wearing diapers, but she’s already a massive fan of Bon Jovi music. Actually, she’s a big fan of her dad playing Bon Jovi songs on his guitar!

Despite being only 8-months-old, Sydney Foye – this little cutie – already has a well-established taste in music. And she is not afraid to let her inner rocker shine through. Although she can barely stand up on her two little feet, judging by her amazing reaction, this baby girl feels the music in every bone in her tiny body.


“She was just the right height to grab up on the guitar and start strumming it,” Sydney’s dad, Aaron said. “And she rocked out!” Luckily, mom was there to capture this incredible daddy-daughter bonding time on camera. “A classic father-daughter moment you may have seen before,” the video description reads. “Adorable 8-month-old baby girl rocks out with her dad while playing Bon Jovi’s famous song, ‘Wanted Dead or Alive'”.

You can watch the lovely moment in the video below!

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