Seeing an animal lying in the middle of the road when you’re behind the wheel and focusing on driving can be a pretty scary experience. You never know what to expect when you encounter such a situation, but it’s best to keep your calm and assess the situation carefully!

When this group of friends came across a baby fawn that was just lying in the middle of the road, they just pulled over and done the sweetest thing. Steve Knopp was with his buddies, driving through a wood area, when spotted the tiny creature. The fawn was completely motionless and the men had no way of knowing whether she was still alive or not. Still, he couldn’t just drive pass by and ignore the fawn.

But instead, one of Steve’s friends – Paul -stepped down from car and approached the confused fawn. As he got closer, the man realized the poor animal was still breathing. Barely! He even inspected it, and the baby deer had no visible sings of injuries, so Paul knew it was just exhausted and very scared. Then he realized the little one’s mom was actually watching from the forest.

It’s when Paul has gently grabbed the fawn and taken it to safety on the side of the road. Shortly after, the concerned mother approached her baby and the two reunited. All thanks to this Good Samaritan. The beautiful rescue was caught on video by one of Steve’s friends. You can watch it in the video below!