In a remarkable tale of canine intelligence and loyalty, Vango, a spirited Australian Shepherd, played a pivotal role in his own rescue after being abducted. This extraordinary incident unfolded in Gatineau, Quebec, where Vango’s quick thinking and the attentiveness of local pet store employees led to his safe return.

The Disappearance
On a seemingly ordinary Monday morning, Vango’s owner, Josée Francoeur, let him out into their enclosed yard in Buckingham, Quebec, for a routine bathroom break. Moments later, she was alarmed to find that Vango had vanished without a trace. “Is there a chance he was abducted? Also, I said, ‘Who could do that? It cannot be done,'” Francoeur recounted. Distressed and fearing the worst, she immediately reported Vango missing to local authorities and posted alerts on various social media platforms and the local SPCA website.

The Unlikely Encounter
Approximately two and a half hours after Vango’s disappearance, a couple entered Au Royaume des Animaux, a local pet store in Gatineau, accompanied by Vango. Yves Jodoin, a canine trainer and employee at the store, noticed the dog’s unusual behavior. “The dog was barking, poking, and desperately in need of my attention,” Jodoin recalled. His curiosity was piqued when the couple, known to purchase cat food, seemed unfamiliar with basic details about the dog, such as his age, whether he was neutered, his dietary preferences, and the cost they had paid for him. “They were dodging the questions,” Jodoin observed. Despite being offered biscuits, Vango’s persistent barking continued, signaling his distress.

The Revelation
Sensing something amiss, Jodoin’s colleague searched social media for reports of missing pets and quickly found a post about Vango’s disappearance. Recognizing the dog, Jodoin, who had known Vango since he was a puppy, decided to test his suspicion. He called out, “Vango, come!” The dog’s immediate and enthusiastic response confirmed his identity. “He kept prodding and barking as if to say, ‘Hey, I’m not the dog they say I am,'” Jodoin recounted.
Confrontation and Confession
When confronted, the couple claimed they had found Vango in the woods and intended to keep him as a support animal due to the woman’s health issues and inability to afford a trained dog. Despite their explanation, Jodoin insisted they relinquish the dog. The couple eventually complied, and Jodoin promptly contacted Francoeur to inform her of Vango’s whereabouts.
The Emotional Reunion
Upon receiving the call, Francoeur was overwhelmed with emotion. “Whenever I discuss it, I cry,” she admitted. Reflecting on the ordeal, she expressed gratitude for the pet store employees’ vigilance. “Imagine,” Francoeur continued, “if those people hadn’t gone to that pet store, I would have lost my dog forever.”
Legal and Preventative Measures
Following the incident, Francoeur reported the couple to the police to ensure they understood the gravity of their actions. “I don’t want to make them uncomfortable. We don’t know what drives them. They did, however, also take my infant at the same time,” she stated, emphasizing the importance of accountability. Gatineau police noted that charges would depend on proving the couple’s intent to steal rather than mistakenly finding the dog.
The SPCA de L’Outaouais, where the couple had attempted to register Vango under a new name earlier that day, used the incident to advocate for pet owners to microchip their animals. Francoeur acknowledged that she had planned to microchip Vango but had not yet done so. “This could have all been avoided,” she remarked, highlighting the significance of pet identification.
Vango’s story is a testament to the profound bond between pets and their owners and the remarkable intelligence of animals in distress. His actions, combined with the keen awareness of the pet store staff, underscore the importance of community vigilance and responsible pet ownership. This incident serves as a compelling reminder to pet owners about the benefits of microchipping and the collective role we play in safeguarding our animal companions.