2 Kids Nervously Walk Onstage, Immediately Take Everyone’s Breath Away Singing ‘The Prayer’

Do you remember being a young teenager and feeling embarrassed whenever you had to talk in front of your class? Now imagine being the same age and having to sing in front of a large audience while everybody is staring at you. I don’t know about you, but that thought alone is enough to make my palms sweat.
But there are some talented teenagers out there who seem born to do this and perform on stage. That doesn’t mean it comes easy to them. Noelle and Ryland, the two talented singers in the video below, are definitely among those kids
In the clip you are just about to see, they do an amazing rendition of “The Prayer,” and it’s sure to give you goosebumps. Taking inspiration from an amazing performance by Andreea Bocelli and Celine Dion, they manage to put their own spin on the song and give it a modern interpretation.
They prove talent has nothing to do with age, and sound like professional entertainers. One thing is for sure: we’re going to hear more of these talented young singers. For now, enjoy this awesome performance and don’t forget to share it with all of your friends and family.

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