A Golden Retriever saved the life of a man who broke his neck and was left to freeze to death

Meet Kelsey, a golden retriever who proves exactly why dogs really are our best friends.

His man, Bob from Michigan, slipped on the ice one day and broke his neck right in front of his house.

“I shouted for help but my nearest neighbor is a quarter of a mile away and it was 10.30pm”

It looked like Bob was in a big mess, but luckily for him, he had his furry guardian angel by his side: “but then my Kelsey came and saved me. In the morning, my voice was hoarse and I couldn’t scream for help, but Kelsey wouldn’t stop barking.”

On the frosty winter night, Bob was only in long johns, slippers and a shirt, as he only intended to leave the house to get a log for the fireplace.

Instead, this turned out to be a 20-hour ordeal, with Bob lying paralyzed in the snow. If it weren’t for his furry friend, he would most likely have frozen to death.

Bob explained: “He kept barking for help, but he wouldn’t leave my side. It kept me warm and alert. I knew I had to persevere in this situation and that it was my choice to stay alive.”

In the 19th hour, Bob unfortunately passed out, but Kelsey hasn’t given up yet!

“It was making a shrill howl that alerted my neighbor. He found me at 18:30”

Finally, after his neighbor found him, he was taken straight to the local hospital for emergency surgery.

He is now fully recovered and hails Kelsey as his hero for saving his life.

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