A few individuals aren’t content with only a puppy or a feline for a sidekick. Why not an elephant? Roxy Danckwerts has achieved what appears like an outlandish undertaking and built up a living circumstance with a youthful elephant calf – and 14-month-old little Moyo is as rowdy as she is meddling.
This kind woman is taking care of orphan animals for nearly 20 years now. Her Wild is Life orphanage in Zimbabwe helped countless wild animals all these years. From big wild cats, to primates and even birds, Roxy and her team have been rescued and rehabilitated numerous animals. But apparently none of them went to Roxy’s big heart as this rescue elephant did.

Moyo was just a few days old when a rescue team found her. The baby elephant was in a critical condition and her chances of survival were incredibly slim, but the cute little thing whose name means ‘of the hear’ beat the odds. And that thanks to Roxy kindness!

“We trust that the elephant nursery is about managing the individual vagrants another opportunity at life,” her association’s site clarifies. “These vagrants, who have been seriously damaged, merit the chance to develop and flourish in the regular world.”

Once she arrived at Roxy’s wildlife sanctuary in the region of Harare, the elephant’s life has changed for ever. Now she’s in an excellent shape and she can’t stop following the woman that saved her life everywhere. On the other hand, Roxy can’t wait for her favorite companion to come over for a little chat.

“She knows my voice, my smell and somehow knows where I am at all times,” the woman said. “How, I have no idea! She is one of those animals with whom I have formed an extraordinary bond of friendship, trust and love.”