Seal is one of the most famous singers in the world. People pay big bucks to listen to his extraordinary voice in concert, and it’s really no surprise why. But a few of lucky passerby got a chance to witness a free live performance by the famous singer, and it was all caught on video.
The singer was in Montreal when he came across a talented street singer. It’s then when he decided to be spontaneous and join him for a song, “Stand by me”. The two have never met each other before, but they managed to create a beautiful moment together.
Seal proved that he doesn’t need any fancy sound equipment or a team of backup singers to deliver an outstanding performance, all he needs is his incredible voice and a microphone.
When the song was over, Seal went away as fast and as surprising as he came. He gave the stranger a hug, smiled at the crowd that gathered to hear them sing, and left.
It’s not every day that you get to see a world-famous singer singing at the corner of a street, so this is definitely a unique moment. Take a look and don’t forget to share!