Hey Look! Someone Snapped A Photo Of Winnie The Pooh In The Sky

Do you remember when you were little and you used to look at the sky and challenge your friends to see which one of you can see the most clouds that looked like something else? It’s an exercise that not only stimulates your creativity, but it’s also a lot of fun.
Well, you don’t need to be a creative person to know that this cloud looks exactly like Winnie the Pooh.
The cloud that looks exactly like the world’s most famous bear was spotted at a children’s charity event. One of the attendees at the event who was lucky enough to see the magic cloud in reality snapped a picture, and now the result is going viral. There’s really no surprise why!
The cloud really does look like the famous bear relaxing after having had a little too much to eat. As you can imagine, the cloud was a delight for all of those who attended the event for the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund at Sandbanks, Dorset.
This is surely not something you see every day, so make sure to share this picture with all of your friends and family online.


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