Army veteran is paddleboarding for 3,500 miles, but when I found out WHY? UNBELIEVABLE!

The numbers of war veterans committing suicide due to things like post-traumatic stress and war-related traumas has alarmingly gone up in the last couple of years. There are several non-profit organizations and governmental institutions that are investing in campaigns and facilities meant to get the number to go down.
But we can all do something to raise awareness about this important issue that should concern us all. Just look at the man in the video below. Josh Collins is a former United States Army Delta Force officer who made it into the news thanks to an extraordinary initiative he had to help raise awareness and money for veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The man’s paddling 3,500 miles, from Corpus Christi, Texas to New York City, New York.
Having been diagnosed with this disorder himself and having suffered severe brain injury in the war, the man knows that although a soldier might be home, it doesn’t mean everything is okay. The important thing is that PTSD is a disorder, and thus can be treated. But soldiers need to escape that feeling of being ashamed because they see PTSD as a sign of weakness. It’s not.
Please share this video to raise awareness about this important issue.

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