Heartwarming video footage shows a massive bloodhound showing affection to a four weeks old rescue kitten at bath. The tiny cat was rescued by Stephanie Vice – a 36-year-old vet, and as he was taking a bath in the sink, the affectionate dog approached him and gently put her paw on the kitten’s head. The beautiful moment was caught on camera and warmed millions of hearts online!

Stephanie and her husband Matthew are extremely fond of animals, so they don’t miss any chance to help a tiny animal in need, just as this little kitten was. So far, the couple managed to foster over 100 rescue cats, so their adorable bloodhound, Ruby Jane, got extremely familiar and affectionate with the tiny felines. Yet, she has never been so gentle as she was this time!
While Stephanie was bathing the tiny rescue kitten in the kitchen sink, the 5-year-old dog approached to give a bit of comfort to the sweet little thing named Bodie, during his first ever bath. She’s such a gentle giant!

“Ruby Jane is a very playful dog and is very good with all of the foster kittens,” Stephanie said. “In particular, she has become very fond of Bodie since we brought him home.”
Here’s the adorable scene!
Just as the 107 kitten that Stephanie and her husband have fostered over the years, Ruby Jane was also a rescue!

“These three kittens make 107 rescue animals that I have fostered in the last five years,” the woman said. “She’s also a rescue, she was brought to me by a friend as I was mourning the loss of my previous Bloodhound.”
(h.t: mailonline)